
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The longest year..

Back then,an year didn't seem this long,
when I'd had left the house Quarreling,
running down the flight of stairs,
with nothing but my head held high.

Back then an year wasn't this long,
when i ran away from the mad-house,
alone,i was,in the midst of a milling crowd,
alone i am still,with nothing but my shadow along.

I ran,because i had to;
I ran,hoping to see the stars.
Alas,the stars never came,may be the night was cloudy;
the stars never came;maybe they never will.

Now I know,hope isn't a plan;
Now I know,this as the longest year.
But back then when the year didn't seem this long,
i never saw the days in the year,
the hours in the day.

now i know how long an year is
but back then,i never knew...

About Me

i am sarath a.This blog enlists motivational or inspirational works. GO For Maximum mischief.